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๐Ÿ“ป World Radio Day Emojis Collection

This holiday is celebrated on February 13 around the world, and, of course, this date was not chosen by chance. On this day in 1946, UN "๐Ÿ“ป Radio" was first broadcast.

It is worth noting that radio is a way of transmitting the information. Therefore, if you address the words of the founders of this holiday, their goal is to convey to people the importance of radio generally. Moreover, they want to strengthen cooperation between those directly related to the radio in this way.

In most countries, various events are organized with the participation of different broadcasting companies on this holiday. Therefore, you can easily send your appeal to almost anywhere in the world on this day. For example, play your favorite song, congratulate your friend on his birthday, or ask your husband about his business trip. Furthermore, users of the web are offered many Emoji smileys, with which you can discuss this day or mention it in your post on any social network.