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๐Ÿถ Black Rosette

Meaning of ๐Ÿถ Black Rosette

The symbol ๐Ÿถ "Black Rosette" was published in 2014 in Unicode version 7.0 and is located in the "Rosettes" section of the "Miscellaneous Symbols" category.

The ๐Ÿถ "Black Rosette" version has not been recognized as an official emoji and is displayed as a black and white character on the main platforms. The Unicode Consortium therefore does not advise using the sign as an emoji for common sharing. The exceptions are LG devices where the emoji appears as a circle with a red, white and blue pattern.

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๐Ÿถ Black Rosette Emoji look across different devices

Emojis may look different across platforms. Every web service, OS, or gadget manufacturer may create an Emojis design according to their corporate style and vision. Here you can check out how ๐Ÿถ Black Rosette Emoji looks like on most popular platforms:

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General information about ๐Ÿถ Black Rosette Emoji

Full name๐Ÿถ Black Rosette
Unicode (fully-qualified)U+1F3F6
Hex Code Points1F3F6

Translations and keywords for ๐Ÿถ Black Rosette

Another names, keywords๐Ÿถ Black Rosette
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