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Meaning of ➗ Divide Emoji

Heavy Division Sign is a bolded division symbol. This symbol is mainly used in 📘 Math to show a number is being divided into smaller groups evenly or unevenly. If you ❤️ Love math, send this emoji with a 🏫 School emoji to show your excitement for taking a math class.

This emoji can also be used to show that an object needs to be divided amongst others. If you are bringing a 🍕 Pizza to a 🎉🥂 Party, send this emoji with a Slice of Pizza emoji to see if you have enough pizza or if you will need to buy some more.

User-Submitted Meanings

This signifies a warning of danger.
Author 20i2prex, Nov 20, 2023

Examples of the ➗ Divide Emoji in use

Frequently used ➗ Divide Emoji phrases for messengers and web communication:

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Combinations with ➗ Divide Emoji

Combinations are just a bunch of emojis placed together, like this: 📚✖️➕➗🔢 . You can use these combos to create riddles or convey messages without using words.

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— Arithmetic Textbook
— Signs
— Mathematical!
— Half Hearted
— How much?
— Divide And Rule

➗ Divide Emoji designs on different devices

Emojis may look different across platforms. Each web service, OS, or gadget manufacturer can create an Emoji design according to their corporate style and vision. Here, you can check out what the ➗ Divide Emoji looks like on the most popular platforms:

➗ Divide Emoji: specifications and details

Full name ➗ Divide
Category 💯 Symbols
Subcategory ♾️ Math
How to type shortcode


Unicode (fully-qualified) ➗ U+2797
Unicode version Unicode 6.0 (2010)
Listed in Emoji Version 1.0