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🙋‍♀️Woman Raising Hand

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Meaning of 🙋‍♀️ Woman Raising Hand Emoji

Woman Raising Hand emoji. Are you the best 👧 Girl in the class?? If yes, this 👩 Woman raising hand emoji is for you. This sign shows a woman that wants to ask something or answer a question.

For example, you can use this sign under a picture on Instagram when you want to do a survey or ask your friends something. If you're going to show your smartness and make your acquaintances understand that you know lots of things and can answer any question, feel free to use this emoji. This emoji is considered to be a happy person.

User-Submitted Meanings

Indicates a raised hand for answering questions, often conveying agreement or farewells. See u soon 🙋‍♀️
Author Ve14S11, Jan 19, 2024

Examples of the 🙋‍♀️ Woman Raising Hand Emoji in use

Frequently used 🙋‍♀️ Woman Raising Hand Emoji phrases for messengers and web communication:

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Combinations with 🙋‍♀️ Woman Raising Hand Emoji

Combinations are just a bunch of emojis placed together, like this: 🙋‍♂️😗🙋‍♀️ . You can use these combos to create riddles or convey messages without using words.

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— Whom to kiss?
— I Know The Difference!
— Bikini Body Ready
— Cowgirl
— Greetings after boarding
— Women's Shoes

Relevant kaomoji

Kaomoji are popular in Japan for sharing emotions and situations using Japanese grammar, punctuation, and characters. Like this: (^ _ ^)/ ! To impress your friends, you can use this creative style in messengers and the web.

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Skin tones

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Woman Raising Handlight skin tone
Woman Raising Handmedium-light skin tone
Woman Raising Handmedium skin tone
Woman Raising Handmedium-dark skin tone
Woman Raising Handdark skin tone

🙋‍♀️ Woman Raising Hand Emoji designs on different devices

Emojis may look different across platforms. Each web service, OS, or gadget manufacturer can create an Emoji design according to their corporate style and vision. Here, you can check out what the 🙋‍♀️ Woman Raising Hand Emoji looks like on the most popular platforms:

🙋‍♀️ Woman Raising Hand Emoji: specifications and details

Full name 🙋‍♀️ Woman Raising Hand
Category 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 People & Body
Subcategory 🙅‍♀️ Person Gesture
How to type shortcode


Unicode (fully-qualified) 🙋‍♀️ U+1F64B U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
Unicode (minimally-qualified) 🙋‍♀ U+1F64B U+200D U+2640
Made with U+1F64B 🙋 Person Raising Hand
U+2640 U+FE0F ♀️ Female Sign
Unicode version Unicode 6.0 (2010)
Listed in Emoji Version 4.0

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