Emoji Version 15.1 Emojis Collection
In September 2023, the Unicode Consortium will present a list of new emojis for the version 15.1.
On November 14, 2022, the Unicode Consortium announced that Unicode version 15.1 would contain only a few emojis, and if there were to be new emojis, they would only appear in addition to the existing code points (as happened in version 13.1). That is, existing emojis will be "glued" together by a special invisible symbol that helps present the emoji as a single character. This "glued" symbol is called the ZWJ.
There are currently 578 preliminary emoji candidates, including: a lime; a mushroom with non-poisonous coloring; a broken chain; a nodding face, to indicate agreement; a face shaking side-to-side, as if to say "no"; and a phoenix.

The announcement is linked to the fact that the Unicode consortium needs time to change its approach to the development process for future versions of the standards. Meanwhile, the full release of the new emoji and symbols in Unicode 16.0 will take place in 2024.
Emoji 15.1 is expected to arrive on major platforms in late 2023/early 2024. Google will get the update first, followed by Apple, Twitter, Samsung and Facebook.
Other versions โ Emoji Version 1.0, Emoji Version 2.0, Emoji Version 3.0, Emoji Version 4.0, Emoji Version 5.0, Emoji Version 11.0, Emoji Version 12.0, Emoji Version 12.1, Emoji Version 13.0, Emoji Version 13.1, Emoji Version 14.0, Emoji Version 15.0, Emoji Version 15.0, Emoji Version 16.0.