Random Emoji ๐ŸŽฒ
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Meaning of โ™ Scorpio Emoji

The Scorpio emoji represents the eighth astrological sign to which belong those who were born from 24.10 to 22.11. For those who believe in Zodiac magic, this emoji is extremely meaningful. For example, it may tell them that they face the dominant rough and energetic person โ€” or to say that they may be an extremely good couple or friends.

And for those who do not believe it would mean nothing but the date of birth.

Scorpius emoji is shown near the nicknames of Snapchat users who were born on the respective dates and pointed this out on the app.

User-Submitted Meanings

Represents the Scorpio zodiac sign, denoting intensity and passion. My mom is โ™
Author Sur_SaMarne, Jan 02, 2024

Examples of the โ™ Scorpio Emoji in use

Frequently used โ™ Scorpio Emoji phrases for messengers and web communication:

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Combinations with โ™ Scorpio Emoji

Combinations are just a bunch of emojis placed together, like this: โ™ˆโ™‰โ™Šโ™‹โ™Œโ™โ™Žโ™โ™โ™‘โ™’โ™“โ›Ž . You can use these combos to create riddles or convey messages without using words.

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โ€” Zodiac
โ€” Scorpio
โ€” Protects against evil spirits, curses, and the evil eye
โ€” Horoscope

Relevant kaomoji

Kaomoji are popular in Japan for sharing emotions and situations using Japanese grammar, punctuation, and characters. Like this: /โ•ฒ/\(โ•ญโ€ขฬ€๏ฎง โ€ขฬโ•ฎ)/\โ•ฑ\ ! To impress your friends, you can use this creative style in messengers and the web.

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โ™ Scorpio Emoji designs on different devices

Emojis may look different across platforms. Each web service, OS, or gadget manufacturer can create an Emoji design according to their corporate style and vision. Here, you can check out what the โ™ Scorpio Emoji looks like on the most popular platforms:

โ™ Scorpio Emoji: specifications and details

Full name โ™ Scorpio
Category ๐Ÿ’ฏ Symbols
Subcategory โ™Ž Zodiac
How to type shortcode


Unicode (fully-qualified) โ™ U+264F
Unicode version Unicode 1.1 (1993)
Listed in Emoji Version 1.0