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🔢Input Numbers

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Meaning of 🔢 Input Numbers Emoji

Input Numbers emoji is the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4. You normally see this button to switch between letters and numbers on a ⌨️ Keyboard when typing. When you text it to someone it most often relates that you are workig with numbers. If you are doing your taxes, send it with the 🧮 Abacus emoji. If you are ranking people or objects, send it along wih the #️⃣ Keycap: # emoji to prepare your friend for your well constructed ranking list.

Examples of the 🔢 Input Numbers Emoji in use

Frequently used 🔢 Input Numbers Emoji phrases for messengers and web communication:

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Combinations with 🔢 Input Numbers Emoji

Combinations are just a bunch of emojis placed together, like this: 📚✖️➕➗🔢 . You can use these combos to create riddles or convey messages without using words.

Tap / click to copy & paste
— Arithmetic Textbook
— Number One
— Paint By Numbers
— Counting Sheep
— Enter pin code
— Numbers Game
— Number Lock
— Countdown

🔢 Input Numbers Emoji designs on different devices

Emojis may look different across platforms. Each web service, OS, or gadget manufacturer can create an Emoji design according to their corporate style and vision. Here, you can check out what the 🔢 Input Numbers Emoji looks like on the most popular platforms:

Related Themes & Holidays

🔢 Input Numbers Emoji: specifications and details

Full name 🔢 Input Numbers
Category 💯 Symbols
Subcategory 🔠 Alphanum
How to type shortcode


Unicode (fully-qualified) 🔢 U+1F522
Unicode version Unicode 6.0 (2010)
Listed in Emoji Version 1.0